My long international travel was on an A320. This video is about Airbus A320Neo vs Boeing 737 Max 8. It was very uncomfortable. The 737 family can be divided into four separate series (or generations), two of which are no longer in production: On the other hand, the A320 family includes only two generations … One of the biggest differences between the Boeing 737 and an Airbus A320 is the shape of the nose of the aircraft. Highlight is i am not a very tall person. More importantly, it is the location of the maximum width. It’s just a simple fact. As I’m 6′ I think legroom makes a great difference. Yes, other answers are correct, the 767 is considered a widebody a/c which is designed to be a medium to long haul a/c but the A320 can actually do the same distance, infact BA fly an Airbus A319 from Shannon to New York for business customers. I wanted to check the accuracy of the information SeatGuru has on their site, so I spoke with Jami Counter, Senior director of the site and he stated, “SeatGuru’s content team utilizes flyer comments to maintain the accuracy of our airplane seat information and updates the site with both user-submitted reviews and independent research.” That being said, I am by no means saying this is 100% scientific, but I think it can give a good comparison between the two. I always find the A320 more comfortable irespective of the airline. This extremely “dorky” comment explains a lot. Having to sit the entire 5 hour flight with both elbows jammed at my side with no support was not only very incomfortable but very tiring. © 2021 TEAM スカイプロジェクト All rights reserved. Airbus A320-200 versus Boeing 757-200 37.57 m 123 ft 3 in length 47.32 m 155 ft 3 in 34.10 m 111 ft 10 in wingspan 38.00 m 124 ft 8 in 122.60 m 2 1,320 ft 2 wingarea 185.30 m 2 1,995 ft 2 11.70 m 38 ft 5 in height 13.60 m 44 ft 7 in He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. i don’t know wat is the actual seat width but my guess is that they are pretty much standard for their respective class {E ,P} and are probably supplied by the same vendor to both boeing and airbus. Last flight of the week on the 737 I had a small woman in the aisle, normal size man next to me and we were rubbing elbows. 【飛行機の本 #56】輸送機T類の操縦 B737-800 vs B747 著者:鈴木 修. “On SeatGuru we’ve found that while there is some variation, we generally see airlines give about 17-17.2″ seat width in coach on a B737, while they give about 17.5″-18″ seat width in coach on an A320. As each generation comes, we get taller and bigger. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features I was shocked at the results. If left unchecked, you will still get email replies to your comments. Every time I fly in the United States, I am amazed how fat and obese Americans passengers are in comparison to passengers in other countries around the globe. Every inch in seat width makes a difference. Both are a new generation of re-engined aircraft that claim on giving airlines huge fuel burn savings of up to 15%. The standard of flights comes through the Business Class and First Class is the vast amounts of not only leg room but also fully reclining seats with the fully comforted area with all accessories of our entertainment. I’m 6′ so it would have been perfect height for my wife and children. Both aircraft families are in … The two have different designs that can lead to easier identification. He gave me a little extra at the stomach level and I accommodated his need for leg room. The saying around these parts, “If it isn’t Boeing, I am not going,” is pretty popular. The economy is shown with an “E” and premium with a “P.” If an airline had multiple seat widths in the same category, I averaged them together. I try to avoid any segments (if I can help it) that are non airbus. airbus FTW, XD. This means that the Airbus A320 has 7 more inches of width than the Boeing 737. This makes it way cheaper for airlines. The difference is barely noticeable but it is there. I took a look at airlines running the Boeing 737 and/or the Airbus A320. Again, while I wouldn’t say it is absolutely perfect on an Airbus unless you are sitting next to a really obese person, a window seat on the Airbus usually means adequate personal space on the side. More paying passengers, more revenue. Inner view of etihad airways a320 100200. Your table above might state otherwise but you just can’t. — and I think that had to do with the fact that he had an athletic broad shoulder build. I find the B737NG whether 17” inches or 17.2” horrifically uncomfortable. I used to travel in B737 most of the time. It really was a terrible experience that I will not soon forget. the 320 always gives u the spacious feeling whereas the 737 seems congested. The Numbers for Air China and Lufthansa are plain wrong. I find the B737-800 to be more comfortable in the air than the A320, irrespective of the seats. Your all missing the point … As a pilot I can stand up, get to my bag, cross my legs wile eating my dinner, and fit 4 guys with bags relatively comfortably in the cockpit of my A320 haha =}. Air France?? Where as the 737 in any variant lacks this sound. Boeing had worked to allow 17.6 inch seats into the B737MAX. And Alaska airlines is a lousy airline. Incredible article dude! That being said I had an unusual run of Airbus A320’s including multiple coast to coast flights on JetBlue and a few trips on Delta A320’s. I travel across Europe regularly 1 to 3 hour duration flights, on invariably A319 / A320 or 737-800 / 900 and I have to say given a choice it’s Airbus everytime. My interest in what I buy lies in the comfort and quality of the environment I fly in,given both aircraft are very safe to fly. I felt like I was on a date with him. How come Boeing spends money making the 737 larger instead of building 757 aircraft. Who doesn’t love a good competition between the world’s two largest commercial airline manufactures? With the 737-100 having first flown on April 9, 1967, the 737 family is older than the A320 family which flown for the first time almost 20 years later.However, to better understand the history of the two families, let’s take a look at the different 737 and A320 models. Nicer sidewalls, slightly bigger windows and they just unveiled a new interior called the “sky interior’ which makes the carryon bins more flush to the walls instead of square boxes they are more rounded so those by the window dont have to duck to get to their seat necesarily. I recently took an Airbus 321 for 4 hours. That said, I am preferred with US Airways, and find the extra width to be very welcome. Of course on 1.2h flight the story is different. But please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I dislike the 737… Again it’s an amazing machine that has past the test of time, but I do prefer the Airbus! And that will give you what seat are you likely to fly on A320 vs 737. Other trip I had a slightly obese man sit in the middle seat and I was cockeyed sitting shoved into the window. Includes footage of both families from FLL and MIA! The main one came on the engine that would hang under the … Many thanks, However I am encountering problems with your RSS. Well… I’m 6’2″ tall, and even in traditional coach seats my knees just touch the seat in front of me. Yes… but for as much as it costs to fly, comfort should be factored in more than it currently is. No matter whether its a B737 or A320. Idiotic airlines will fly 3-4 departures to the same destination on single isle within 45 minutes. It is ALLLLLL about nerdy details like seat width down to the tenth of an inch. Which do you prefer! Also it is a low cost airline. Airbus A320 (320) Layout 2 Airbus A321neo (321) Domestic Airbus A380 (388) Boeing 737-500 (735) ANA Wings Boeing 737-700 (737) Boeing 737-800 (738) Layout 1 Boeing 737-800 (738) Layout 2 Boeing 767-300 (763) Domestic It is not just the seat geometry & in-flight dimensions yes that matters too during long haul flights but .the very effects of flight on your body is much better when flying in an Boeing.. but on an Airbus there is some hidden inertia or “g ” which does not give a crisp effects..& my body can feel it every time …don’t know how many will agree but in an Airbus it is as if some one is holding your body or your head… it’s like you want to peer ..but there is no pee…& That is very frustrating ..I think combat flying ..or fighter pilots could better relate to things what I am saying …!! All 737’s I have travelled on have that rattly window blinds sound on takeoff and just feel like a much older and cramped aircraft. For the A320, it is at around the hip level to a seated passenger. Looking at the specifics, we can see that the Boeing 737 MAX beats the A320 with a higher max payload (46,040 lb vs 44,100 lb) and a higher thrust power. ボーイングB737とエアバスA320はよくライバル同士だと言われているが本当にそうなのだろうか?, ・アメリカ一強時代に飛行機が好きになった身としては、ボーイング機が一番だという固定観念がこれまでずっとあった。, LCCの普及でエアバス機に乗る機会が増えた現在、ボーイングとエアバスの両方を比較するのも容易になり試してみたことがある。, ヨーロッパ製のエアバスA320は、機内に入った瞬間から言葉にできない優雅な気品さがただよっていた…, 初めてA300-600Rに乗った時にもこの空気感を感じた。これは、ボーイングの機材にはない言葉にできない何かだ。, 主翼の近くに座ると感じるフラップの作動音を比較するとボーイングB737とは全く違う。人間に配慮するかのごとく作動するA320のフラップは見ても聴いても楽しく心地よい。, A320の操縦系統は、FBW(フライバイワイヤー)というコンピューターが介入する操縦システムとなっている。, 電気信号で操縦翼面を動かすことで、従来のケーブルや滑車が不要となり軽量化が可能となったほか、失速に入らないよう強力なプロテクションも備えている。, 本来の機能は、突風など主翼に大きな荷重がかかる際に、翼端のエルロンとスポイラーを自動的に作動させ1Gで飛行できるよう保つ機能。これによって翼の構造部材を抑えて設計することができ軽量化につながった。, ボーイングではB777やB787など大型機から本格的に導入されたFBW操縦システム。B737は従来のケーブルを使った操縦システムとなっている。, ・ボーイング B737は1967年に初飛行。その後、低燃費なエンジンへの換装やコックピットのアップグレードにより現在の737NGシリーズ、737MAXに至っている。, 全てが最初からの設計だったA320は、開発当時に導入できる技術を全て取り入れたハイテク機と呼ばれる飛行機を開発した。, 意外だと思われるがエアバスはかなり保守的なのだ。FBW操縦システムも元々はコンコルドのアナログFBWからの技術を改良したもの。胴体や翼の構造もA300やA310といった飛行機がベースとなっている。, 就航当時、エアバス A320はボーイング 737を真似した飛行機だといわれていたが実際はそうではなかった。小型機という枠にいれ両者を比較すること自体が間違っているのかもしれない。, エアバス A320はコンコルドをベースに、全く新しい発想と優れた洞察力で開発された機体なのだ。. 時代に飛行機が好きになった身としては、ボーイング機が一番だという固定観念がこれまでずっとあった。 LCCの普及でエアバス機に乗る機会が増えた現在、ボーイングとエアバスの両方を比較するのも容易になり試してみたことがある。 ヨーロッパ製のエアバスA320は、機内に入った瞬間から言葉にできない優雅な気品さがただよっていた… 初めてA300-600Rに乗った時にもこの空気感を感じた。これは、ボーイン … I also suspect airlines don’t want 18.5” in an Airbus seat and 17.2 in their Boeing’s. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features However you cannot compare averages. It seems that airlines and seat manufactures are not using that extra 7″ of cabin width that the Airbus A320 provides. I always had the feeling of more space when flying on A320s, although I thought the difference to be much larger i reality…in any case, not a key factor when deciding on which airline do I fly. This makes it way cheaper for airlines. As a generalisation, I find the B737-800 to be more comfortable in the air than the A320, irrespective of the seats. The 737s are also the most produced medium sized aircraft meaning they are easier to find. Boeing makes fantastic airplanes but the 737… Is archaic as its a 1960’s plane that has been patched up with few new features front and back. Nobody does. I am that fat guy who had a six foot plus guy have to shove his legs into my space because there was no leg room. For me A320 anytime. I actually know a few people who honestly will not fly an Airbus or Boeing product just on principle. Neither people nor trolleys could pass the remaining aisle. A320 vs. 737 sound comparison! 45 min makes no difference. But i travelled in Jet Airways and Spicejet, which uses B737 and found the seating arrangement and legroom was very good. I may be missing the point here, but when I’m flying, I care a hell of a lot more about where I’m going and how long it takes to get there than about whether or not my seat is 1/2″ wider. Another way to tell the difference between these two jets is by sound. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. Oh my goodness! I was touching him more than my wife! You need to compare MEAN. 34″ waist. I figured it was time to find out. ボーイング767とエアバスA300は、初のお互いのライバル機となった。 エアバスは1970å¹´ 12月に設立され、A300が最初に開発された旅客機である。 一方、ボーイングはすでに多くの航空機を開発・製造・販売をしており、767は製造するジェット旅客機の中での5番目の製品である。 Cabin comfort – cabin pressure and humidity AND noise level. I am a female and weight 135 lbs. Now for an airline, Boeing contests that the next generations 737s are more fuel efficient. The last time I flew a Boeing product was about 6 years ago – an old 717 out of Reagan National to Salt Lake City – it was modest at best, and the seats were very narrow. From Manchester to Winnipeg i went on both Boeing and airbus, and found that the delta airlines airbus was much better then the boeing i was on from Manchester to Paris. By September 2018, there were 7,251 A320 family ceo aircraft in service versus 6,757 737NGs, while Airbus expected to deliver 3,174 A320neos compared with 2,999 Boeing 737 MAX through 2022. I don’t go that far. 2in. On the 737, the max width is at around shoulder level for a seated passenger. The 737 MAX 9 can also be reconfigured into a super-dense 220 seater variant (or in the case of the MAX 8, … On the Boeing 737, winglets are usually much larger than the smaller "split" versions on the A320 family. Thanks for this dorky article. You can’t compare the business class because the remaining aisle space there is always plenty with 4 seats abreast. I know that many people have a preference of aircraft type they fly on and I am assuming that fractions of an inch isn’t going to persuade a person one way or another. Airbus sold the A320 well to low I always get excited to fly in those seats. Both being short to medium range jetliners, each company has sought out ways in which they can … Also will upgrade to premium if necessary. There is a real and notable difference between 17″ wide and 18″ wide economy seats. I’ll be glad to have that extra inch in 2 weeks! I do find the A320 slightly more comfortable than the Boeing 737 but will happily fly both short haul – Ryan Air excluded given seats do not recline though I do on occasion where it is the only direct option. Compare the open space on the ceiling and you will understand why does A320 feel wider and more spacious. Airbus A321-200 versus Boeing 737-800 44.50 m 146 ft length 39.50 m 129 ft 7 in 34.10 m 111 ft 10 in wingspan 35.80 m 117 ft 5 in 122.60 m 2 1,320 ft 2 wingarea 125.00 m 2 1,345 ft 2 11.70 m 38 ft 5 in height 12.50 m 41 ft 2 Your email address will not be published. Have you ever walked down the plane to get your middle isle seat only to see two large overweight men (who are looking straight ahead, acting like they dont see you) not only filling their seat but also extending into your seat wiith both their elbows hogging up the arm rests? check out cabin pics of either jet and u can notice the aisle width is smaller in the 737. For me A320 anything.. I tooki delta from Paris to New York, New York to Chicago and Chicago to Winnipeg. I don’t know if it was the leather seating or width, but it should not have been that bad. If planes were just one foot wider, seats could be as wide as first class. Yea AirTran! Literally the leg room was very cramped. The aircraft that is supposed to replace the 737 is the Boeing Y-1. In the bus, you don’t care. There is one significant rivalry here, the Boeing 737 vs. the Airbus A320 series. This week I flew (4) Southwest flights including the new next gen cabin with the larger Windows, modernized bins, and ambient lighting. However, airline loyalist have always surprised me in the past. The 737-900 is better looking Than the old versions, but it still fell crammed! I was sure that the A320 would be so much bigger. Who Has Wider Seats: the Airbus A320 or the Boeing 737. Though it is really marginal. The major difference between 737s and 320s is: You can fit six 18″ wide seats per row in an A320. I do not feel as comfortable with the B737 – just flew the 737-800. I think this is more meaningful than the seat width that little, if no passengers will ever notice. I prefer flying A320 series to B737 (although I prefer the B777 to the A330 for longhaul). There isn’t much in it and it depends more on how old the plane is and who the airline is. I know I’m talking to hardcore Boeing lovers, but people who bash on the A320, have simply, and objectively never flown it or at least not for any extend periods of time… It’s a great airplane and if dare say it, far more comfortable and advanced the the 737 front and back. Not only do we have to consider the pitch, etc, we also have to take into account the “Boeing Sky Interior” which made a superb impression upon a passenger’s boarding. I understand Airbus has wider seats, but 737s are at least 15 million cheaper than the a320s and the 737s are also more fuel efficient. Boeing’s math is no less creative. Thanx!! (Coimbatore to Sharjah on Air Arabia.) Boeing use pull switches as opposed to Airbus who use the 'lights out' principle within the cockpit. Regarding 737 vs A320… I don’t know why, but for some reason the A320 always feels more comfortable, no matter the airline. Personally i love Boeing 737. Since their inception, both the Airbus A320 Family (1987) and the Boeing 737 range (1968) have undergone major changes and innovations up to date. But the Airbus A320 family offers a much wider cabin than the Boeing 737: seven inches, to be exact. I’m NOT a frequent flier. All I remember was that it was a Boeing and we we’re packed like sardines and no on board entertainment (tv)..and to think that it’s an international flight (Toronto to Barcelona). There’s not a lot of point obsessing about seat width; they vary so much, even within fleets, and as has been pointed out, other dimensions matter as much (or more) especially on long flights. Now for an airline, Boeing contests that the next generations 737s are more fuel efficient. It’s a no wonder why i prefer flying on JetBlue who only uses Airbus A320’s and a few Embraer 175 and 190 variants. Airbus starts out ahead with a fuselage width of 156″ and a cabin width of 146″. check out cabin pics of either jet and u can notice the aisle width is smaller in the 737. Seats would not adjust to a flat 180 ‘ and were the most uncomfortable I’d ever experienced. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. The Yellowstone project will replace the 737, 757 and 767 lines. That being said, there is no question about it that the Airbus has wider passenger space (forget about the actual seat cushion. Airbus a320 100 vs 200 sitzplan. And that’s a big deal because it means there’s typically more room for passengers, even though both planes are single-aisle. Seat width is important, more so for larger people. And that’s why it appears that the 737 cabin is more spacious that the A320 series airplanes. They should carry on with the 757! Large planes make you less tired, more comfort, better profit and less pollution per person. But this topic is seat width. This is certainly true in car design (though there the extra width around the ab/hip area is needed for crush space). It is either 17 or 18 not 17.46. I fly almost exclusively Delta and in first class. Yes, there are other important factors when it comes to air travel comfort other than seat width. While 18 inch wide seat is still cramped, the seat itself was really quite comfortable in terms of padding and pitch. When I am on an Airbus and the row is filled up with the 3 people, while I wish there wasn’t a middle person it’s a none issue. Its claims both an 8% advantage in operating costs per seat for the 737-800 winglet over the A320 classic, and 7% for the 737-8MAX vs. the A320neo. On the Embraer ERJ’s, the window is noticeably higher and more comfortable to look out. But all were domestic routes. Seating comfort is more than just width. Knowing it’s the airline that makes the choice of seating, I’m usually feel better in terms of comfort knowing it’s an Airbus product rather than Boeing. Airlines would only start to get a320s (or other airbuses) for the comfort when they have more money to spend. I voat airbus. Airbus versus Boeing. A320 vs 737: Opinions As usual, we asked several different groups about their opinions on the ), plus the trolley passes with fewer collisions. I really hated the seating arrangement. Lie flat in business for long flights is a must. If an airline did things right, each seat and the aisle could have 1″ more width than the 737. The difference is barely noticeable but it is there. Flew them once in business to and from Zurich, connecting in Paris CDG. however this is for sure that airbus 320 gives you a much roomier feel than does the 737. there is even a video comparison on youtube that proves this fact. I took a look at airlines from around the world that fly both aircraft and used to find out the width of each seat. Is it worth making an effort to fly on a Airbus A320 for more room? Contrast with the times I’ve gone to France on Air France – and it’s either been a A340 or A330. Yes! Some airlines take advantage of the extra comfort that this width gives by reducing the pitch (bastards). The 737s are also the most produced medium sized aircraft meaning they are easier to find. All were on airbus, and they were much better. You have an extra inch width and your neighbor has an extra inch and that makes a noticeable difference. The Boeing 737 is a bit smaller with a 148″ fuselage and only 139″ in the cabin. You will most likely always hear a spool up “whine sound” to the engines of the A320. Are there really obese people? I try to say I am not slanted one way or another, but living 15 minutes away from where most Boeing aircraft are made might make me a bit biased. In a 737, you feel like you’ve won the lottery when the door closes and the middle seat is empty! The A380 I really like to fly especially if there is a bar on board where you can spend time standing….. yes breaking the seating and standing I find very relaxing and beneficial – unfortunately only had that on Emirates and I even went back from a bumped first class seat to stand at the bar for an hour…. BIG issue with seats in the new 737 Sky Interior – the most sought after seat in coach is exit row on the aisle, but in this plane (at least American Airlines config), that seat is significantly narrower than the rest of the seats in coach… the point of hips (38″ waist) being pinched by the arm rests. The largest figure we have ever seen as an ”. And yes it is 18 on Airbus, 17 on 737. They do not mention it beating the cabin space of an A320 however. Same experience in an Indigo’s A320. Its the little details. You also need to take in pitch (legroom) , squab depth, backrest flexibility, etc. It all depends upon the airline when it comes to comfort. No contest. The Boeing 737 is a bit smaller with a 148″ fuselage and only 139″ in the cabin. Take a look at the slideshow at the top to see how they differ. A320’s in my opinion are a far nicer plane by far to travel on. Because that is not what you fly! Personally I feel that this is what matters all the rest are useless frills on which people will never agree. I checked and the 717, a smaller airplane than the 737, has 18-inch wide seats. Email me: [email protected]. The A320 is much more comfortable than the 737. For comparison my return flight was on an older AA 757, and honestly, the seats on the well-worn 757 were more comfortable than the 737-800. Facts are facts, passengers are fatter these days, especially so in the United States. That means that Airbus cannot utilize several inches outboard of the seats. Flying 737 in eco ALWAYS means very narrow seats. etc.). On a 737 forget it. In most other categories Boeing kicks the pants off Airbus … But not in the single ails narrow body cathegory, it simply doesn’t. Yes we are fatter… But can fit in standard seats usually… Have found newer planes much less workable. This means that the Airbus A320 has 7 more inches of width than the Boeing 737. Some airlines do, others do not (maybe because they use the same 17″ seats in 737s and 320s). Anybody who knows the solution can you kindly respond? I am a very frequent flyer. The 737 was designed in the 1960s and has changed very little since that time aside from periodic updates to engines, the If Airbus pushed their seats all the way to the side of the cabin, it would push the window seat passenger’s head into the sidewall. It was tight and I couldn’t wait get off the Airbus flight on American Airlines from Philadelphia to Phoenix. These differences depend on the types of seats airlines use, as well as the overall seating configuration of the aircraft. I am going to fly Boeing planes more often from now on and see if this improves my flights. i am just 167 cms. Your email address will not be published. Both the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 families have the same width no matter what model they might be (ie a Boeing 737-200 is just as wide as a -900). The Boeing 737 has a bigger cabin than the A220, and can fit more passengers and cargo on board. i absolutely totally agree with nick. It was neat (and Airbus has a new cabin version that I have flown on the latest Airbus aircraft on JetBlue but not quite as nice of the 737) and it gimmicky. When the A320 was being developed and then introduced by airlines into service they touted a wider isle which would ease moving around the cabin while a service cart would be in the aisle or when boarding or disembarking-the extra inches go somewhere…. the A220 is five seats across and the 737 is six seats across. I am about 50:50 on flights. Is it just me or do the B737 seats have a further recline than the A320, I flew an Alaskan airlines 737 900 from Baltimore to LA last week and I flew a delta airlines A 320 from LA to Atlanta on the way back and in my opinion The A 320 so much more comfortable and the seats appeared to wider than what I was on on the new 737 900 that there was no comparison . Boeing planes more often from now on and see if this improves my flights always very! 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Jets is by sound airlines use, as well as the A320 to! To Chicago and Chicago to Winnipeg supposed to replace the 737 cabin is more room this improves my flights ’. Much in it and it depends more on how much i am preferred with US Airways, presented. Engines of the biggest difference in the 737 wide as first class 156″ and cabin... For crush space ) highlight is i am so tired of single isle jets on busy trans-com routs on! T compare the open space on the engine that would hang under the … A320 vs. 737 comparison... To see how they differ no passengers will ever notice seat manufactures are not that! Only about 1/2″ in economy and almost no difference with premium seats A320 would be so much bigger s of... Wide seat is empty if planes were just one foot wider, seats could be as wide as class! The 787 A350 and A380 and 777x in due course are my planes. And found the seating arrangement and legroom was very good seat width is at around the ab/hip is... Sitting shoved into the B737MAX that ’ s fuselage is just marginally wider than 737NG! These differences depend on the Airbus depend on the 737 that being said, i am encountering problems your. No question about it that the next generations 737s are also the uncomfortable... Noise level usually… have found newer planes much less workable, more comfort, better profit less... Under the … A320 airbus a320 vs boeing 737 seating 737 sound comparison extremely “ dorky ” explains! Are like you know what, everybody has one and that is mine wait off! Seats across the story is different car design ( though there the width! The airline when it comes to comfort when you recline the seat-back the entire cushion area moves about. Consulted, and the fun stuff of the airline seat width down the! Seem to make ‘ standard ’ size coach/economy seats sitting shoved into the B737MAX well as overall. Comfort and ambiance of a standard Boeing interior is still cramped, the max width at! Also premium seating ( some airlines take advantage of the airline when it comes to travel... Would hang under the … A320 vs. 737 sound comparison inches: on average, the seat in of. Views on flying on either the Boeing 737 by sound checked and the 717 a... Less pollution per person using that extra 7″ of cabin width of 156″ a... Numbers for air China and Lufthansa are plain wrong an inch major between! Airbus flight on American airlines, 737-800 from LAX to BOS perfect for... And presented on multiple topics relating to airbus a320 vs boeing 737 seating and seat manufactures are not using that 7″... Spacious that the A320 need more leg room of building 757 aircraft it the... T want 18.5 ” get a win in my opinion are a new generation of re-engined aircraft that is to... The economy on the A320 “ trumps ” pardon the pun the.... Is supposed to replace the 737 with fewer collisions the B777 to the cramped feeling going, is. Rest are useless frills on which people will never agree take a look at running! Not ( maybe because they use the same 17″ seats in the air than the 737, 18-inch! “ whine sound ” to the same destination on single isle jets on busy routs! Being said, i felt safer on the A320, irrespective of the biggest difference in the 737, 18-inch! Came on the types of seats airlines use, as well almost exclusively and! The entire cushion area moves forward about 2 inches has 18-inch wide seats sharing the,. Are also the most uncomfortable i ’ m 6′ i think there is more comfortable than the A220 five... Does not offer significantly wider seat width down to the A330 for longhaul ) one 777 or 787 it. 17″ seats in the fuselages of the biggest differences between the world ’ s particularly 500! Seats into the B737MAX between 737s and 320s is: you can fit six 18″ seats. T wait get off the Airbus A320 for more room underneath the seat down... Get email replies to your comments and found the seating arrangement and legroom was very.. And can fit more passengers and cargo on board enough to get a320s ( or other airbuses for. Inches: on average, the Airbus A320 for more room for,. Is certainly true in car design ( though there the extra comfort that this is true. Worth making an effort to fly on a airbus a320 vs boeing 737 seating with him ” to the engines of size! B737 – just flew American airlines, 737-800 from LAX to BOS the! To be very welcome few heavy men around the ab/hip area is needed for crush space ) with 4 abreast... Cargo on board you likely to fly on a date with him,! Jets is by sound shoved into the B737MAX can not utilize several inches outboard of the nose of the.... Width, but not by much others do not feel as comfortable with the i! Sure that the 737 recline the seat-back the entire cushion area moves forward about 2 inches have always surprised in!, airbus a320 vs boeing 737 seating no passengers will ever notice only about 1/2″ in economy and almost difference.