LAND NAVIGATION Why Learn Land Navigation?-Tracking present location-Determining Distance-Sense of direction-How to read a topographic map-Terrain and map association-Spatial skills-Planning safe, practical routes-And more Navigational skillsThe best way to learn LAND NAVIGATION is to get "dirt time", that is, get out there with a map and compass! Lesson test exams for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 Lesson plans, written in PDF Adobe format. A topographic map, a compass (for this Instructable I will be using a basic orienteering compass), and a dry erase marker (if your map is laminated or sealed in plactic) or pencil. FM 3-25.26. FM 3-25.26. Given a tactical scenario (day or night), individual combat equipment, a 1:50000 military » fm 3-25.26 map reading and land navigation » Night Navigation Darkness presents its own characteristics for land navigation because of limited or no visibility. Announcement: My online Land Navigation course includes four hours of video instruction, and two downloadable PDF books, all for about the same price as a typical paperback book. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FROM USAPA. » How to slit and fold a map for special use Before attempting to cut and fold a map, make a practice cut and fold with a piece of paper Knowing where you are (position fixing) and being able to communicate that knowledge is crucial to successful land RP0505- Land Navigation TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Recently Added. MAP READING AND LAND NAVIGATION. (RP00.05.11) 2. Topographic maps of various types used for land navigation: Commercial maps of a popular area, say Geo-Graphics Three Sisters Wilderness Map 1:83,000 .75 inches to the mile with contour intervals of 80' on one side and 1:27,000 2.25 inches to the mile with contour intervals of 40' on the other LAND NAVIGATION - Guide Books. LAND NAVIGATION - Misc Files. MAP READING AND LAND NAVIGATION. Given a minimum of a 1:50000 military map, a coordinate scale, protractor, paper, map and a pencil in a field environment, perform basic map reading, per the student handout. LAND NAVIGATION Why Learn Land Navigation?-Tracking present location-Determining Distance-Sense of direction-How to read a topographic map-Terrain and map association-Spatial skills-Planning safe, practical routes-And more Navigational skillsThe best way to learn LAND NAVIGATION is to get "dirt time", that is, get out there with a map and compass! Latest articles in Land Navigation » Find a location using Intersection » Map Folding Techniques » Find Your Location Using Resection Part 2 - PDF ADOBE READER (v.2) Part 3 ADVANCE LAND NAVIGATION Planning to Navigate - description - The group or traveling alone Navigate to Stay on Course ... Part 4 EXPERT LAND NAVIGATION Navigation in Different Terrain - description - special terrain travel skills Night Navigation … Included in the PPT lessons plans are an INSTRUCTOR GUIDE and a STUDENT HANDBOOK. Basic land navigation only requires three (3) "tools". Other files and materials that are essential to Land Navigation Knowledge. FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation CHAPTER 4 GRIDS This chapter covers how to determine and report positions on the ground in terms of their locations on a map. Get my Land Navigation course here. Land Navigation > FM 3-25.26. If you don’t have access to a land navigation site or course on a military base, all is not lost, while those are preferable, it isn’t a necessity.