Why is medical futility controversial? The "Futility" technique pre-dates the introduction of the current Army Field Manual, which is numbered 2-22.3 and introduced in September 2006. Interview Following is a brief summary of these components; more information is available on the company ' s website . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. After AIT, it is up to the individual units and soldiers to maintain their interrogation techniques. The source's fear can be built upon, or increased so as to override his rational side. Phrases, such as "You owe them no loyalty for the way they have treated you," when used appropriately, can expedite the success of this technique. or "Why do you think they left you to die?" Many critics of the Reid The determination rests on when the source expects to receive the incentive offered. Therefore, the use of force is a poor technique, as it yields unreliable results, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say whatever he thinks the interrogator wants to hear. It actually does not mean anything, but creates the impression that the Investigator is encouraged by the statement' which is the opposite effect from that … The advantages of this technique are its simplicity and the fact that it takes little time. In one variation of this technique the interrogator listens carefully to a source's answer to a question, and then repeats both the question and answer several times. The Reid Technique is one of the primary interrogation techniques used by the police. Futility of Coercive Interrogation Techniques The US military base in Guantanamo Bay, which was used as detention facility and interrogation activities of suspected terrorists apprehended by US sequel to 9/11 attack in 2001 Some of the most effective materials, in this application, is presenting the detainee with papers captured with him or in immediate proximity to his capture; he will have a much harder time with denying these, even if they are used out of context. The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing and Advanced Interrogation Techniques. There is the futility of the personal situation "you are not finished here until you answer the questions," futility in that "everyone talks sooner or later," futility of the battlefield situation, and futility in the sense that if the source does not mind talking about history, why should he mind talking about his missions, they are also history. The interrogator may blow things out of proportion using items from the source's background and making them seen noteworthy or important. Documents, which may be real, false with known errors, and extra paper not shown to the prisoner, can complement Establish Your Identity interrogation techniques. In order to clear himself of these allegations, the source will usually have to supply detailed information on his unit to establish or substantiate his true identity. -feftPQF) Futility: Invoking the fetling of fbtility of a detainte. It is a more correct form of blackmail when the circumstances indicate that the source does indeed have something to fear. - AQ must be based on the assumption that the suspect actually committed the crime under This may be effected by the interrogator putting himself on the same physical level as the source and may require some physical contact. The interrogator is required to prepare everything in detail which is very time consuming. In many instances, the source will begin to talk freely in an attempt to explain himself and deny the inconsistencies pointed out by the interrogator. Third, compiling a catalog of torture techniques might serve the interests of torturers—they could consult the list for new ideas, and if they managed to devise This approach technique may backfire if allowed to go too far. It's entitled "Appendix M -- Restricted Interrogation Technique -- Separation". It may appear for a while that the technique is not succeeding, but it usually will when given a reasonable chance. A good interrogator will usually orchestrate some futility with an emotional love approach to hasten the source's reaching the breaking point. 1 The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation Presented by Joseph P. Buckley President JOHN E. REID AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 209 W. Jackson Blvd. As everyone is eager to hear themselves praised, the source will eventually "rise to the occasion" and in an attempt to solicit more laundatory comments from the interrogator, reveal pertinent information. The fear up (mild) approach is better suited to the strong, confident type of interrogator as there is generally no need to raise the voice or resort to heavy-handed, table banging violence. The interrogator may even feel the need to throw objects across the room to heighten the source's implanted feelings of fear. The Reid Technique is a notorious interview and interrogation method used by police officers and investigators. This technique is most effective immediately after capture, because of the confused state of the source. Futility technique included the playing of Metallica, Britney Spears, and Rap music. The futility approach is used to paint a black picture for the prisoner, but it is not effective in and of itself in gaining the source's cooperation. 16 Cusick the information they wanted]. For the emotional love approach to be successful, the interrogator must focus on the anxiety felt by the source about the circumstances in which he finds himself. As the source relaxes somewhat and begins to respond to the interrogator's kindness, the interrogator can then begin asking pertinent questions. This approach works well when combined with the futility or "we know all" approach. In addition, current U.S. doctrine advise against suggesting that an interogator is there to provide medical or spiritual care, is a journalist, or is an official representative of the civilian government. The most common technique is known as the Reid technique. This approach is usually most effective on a member of racial or religious minorities who has suffered discrimination in both service and civilian life. The emotional hate approach focuses on any genuine hate, or possibly a desire for revenge, the source may feel. A problem with the pride and ego approach techniques is that since both variations rely on trickery, the source will eventually realize that he has been tricked and may refuse to cooperate further. “I say nothing goes better with the Beatles than a good beating,” joked Stephen Colbert as he introduced the theme of his show last night–music as torture. isolation by the 205lh MI BDE Commander, This technique will not beused for interrogation purposes for longer than 30days continuously. In the years since the United Kingdom developed and implemented the PEACE model, other countries have followed suit. The direct approach is often called no approach at all, but it is the most effective of all the approaches. While calming the source, it is a good idea to stay initially with nonpertinent conversation and to carefully avoid the subject which has caused the source's fear. Fake news reports, however, are generally accepted, with due regard that a bad forgery of a news report, other than perhaps as part of Establish Your Identity interrogation techniques, is probably unwise. Basically, the two interrogators will display opposing personalities and attitudes toward the source. Meanwhile, the last thing Jeff says in the interrogation is almost as hilarious as it is cutting: “How about that Butterfinger you promised?” It’s unlikely he received that sweet treat, but records show he was released 12 hours later from that Georgia police department after withstanding a gauntlet of techniques to try and … It consists of three elements, with the last one having nine questionable components. This new 4-day format includes the material from our 3-day Interview and Interrogation program as well as our 1-day Advanced program. The interrogator must be aware, however, that if used in conjunction with the file and dossier approach, it may exceed the tactical interrogator's preparation resources. The following nine steps are part of this technique. Refined Field Interrogation Techniques For Security Careers. This technique may be used by an individual interrogator or simultaneously by two or more interrogators in questioning the same source. Index tabs with titles such as education, employment, criminal record, military service, and others are particularly effective. It is by repeating this procedure that the interrogator convinces the source that resistance is useless as everything is already known. This quickly engenders positive feelings on the source's part as he has probably been looking for this type of recognition all his life. It is a very successful approach for sources who are naive, in a state of shock, or in a state of fear. He does this with each succeeding question until the source becomes so thoroughly bored with the procedure that he answers questions fully and candidly to satisfy the interrogator and to gain relief from the monotony of his method of questioning. The inference is created that the second interrogator and the source have, in common, a high degree of intelligence and an awareness of human sensitivity above and beyond that of the first interrogator. The direct approach usually achieves the maximum cooperation in the minimum amount of time and enables the interrogator to quickly and completely exploit the source for the information he possesses. The interrogator must correctly pick up on exactly what it is that the source may hate so that the emotion can be exploited to override the source's rational side. By using a conspiratorial tone of voice, the interrogator can enhance the value of this technique. The source may have negative feelings about his country's regime, his immediate superiors, officers in general, or his fellow soldiers. This page was last modified 14:25, 22 April 2009. nothing more than calming the source and convincing him that he will be properly and humanely treated, or that for him the war is mercifully over and he need not go into combat again. This works quickly in developing rapport and communication as the source will readily respond to kindness. The Reid Technique. THE REID TECHNIQUE OF INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEWING AND ADVANCED INTERROGAION This 4-day format combines the material from our 3-day Interview and Interrogation program and 1-day Advanced program. Through the careful use of the limited number of known details, the interrogator must convince the source that all information is already known; therefore, his answers are of no consequence. The goal of the technique is to make the source feel cut off from his friends. The interrogator must organize all available data on the source including background information, knowledge about the source's immediate tactical situation, and all available OB information on the source's unit. Use of this technique for more than 30continuous days must be briefed to 205 lh MI BDE Commander prior to Futility interrogation techniques [r] : One of the basic building blocks of interrogation, even in noncoercive situations, can be inducing a sense, in the detainee, that any resistance, on behalf of his cause, is futile; he has only his self-interest to consider [e] The futility approach must be orchestrated with other approach techniques. The emotional hate approach is most effective with the immature or timid source who may have no opportunity up to this point for revenge, or never had the courage to voice his feelings. refusal to talk may cause their deaths. There are really many different variations of the futility approach. On 22 January 2009, President Obama released an executive order stating that any individual held by any US government agency "shall not be subjected to any interrogation technique … Do not berate the source's farces or homeland unless you are certain of his negative emotions. After gaining the source's cooperation, the interrogator still tests the extent of that cooperation by periodically using questions for which he has the answers. The repetition technique must be used carefully, as it will generally not work when employed against introverted sources or those having great self-control. . 1. The subject of the first Special Interrogation Plan was told that his mother and sister were whores. September 8, 2004 RL32567. There are two techniques in this approach: the pride and ego up approach and the pride and ego down approach. Charles Mink couldn't see much of anything besides the al-Qaida insurgent staring at him. Telling the source that you will not report the fact that the prisoner talked or that he was a severe discipline problem is an incentive that may enhance the effectiveness of the approach. The Reid Technique consists of two parts: first is a Behavioral Analysis Interview (BAI) in which the interrogating officer asks non-accusatory questions of the suspect in order to evaluate whether the suspect’s behavior seems like that of a guilty person or of an innocent person (Inbau, Reid, Buckley, & Jayne, 2013). This will usually goad the source into becoming defensive, and he will try to convince the interrogator that he is wrong. If the interrogator ascertains that the source has great love for his unit and fellow soldiers, he can effectively exploit the situations by explaining to the source that his providing information may shorten the war or battle in progress, thus saving many of his comrades' lives. This was authorized under the Army Field Manual as an "ego down and futility" technique, but the AR 15-6 investigation raised Be warned up front: coercion in … The ale may be padded with extra paper, if necessary. For this reason, it is frequently used at the tactical echelons where time is limited. The file and dossier approach is when the interrogator prepares a dossier containing all available information obtained from records and documents concerning the source or his organization. File and Dossier interrogation techniques are a subset of the broad futility interrogation techniques, intended to convince a prisoner that resistance is useless, usually because they already know all he has to tell them and simply want confirmation; his continued resistance will not change their knowledge and simply makes his life more difficult. A source who may want to help save his comrades' lives may need to be convinced that the situation on the battlefield is hopeless, and that they all will die without his assistance. . If the interrogator uses a sarcastic, caustic tone of voice with appropriate expressions of distaste or disgust, the source will readily believe him. But, his. These techniques are employed for the purpose of preventing collusion amongst subjects, facilitating interrogations by decreasing the detainee’s resistance, fostering feelings of futility, and prolonging the shock of capture. After working to increase the source's fear, it would be difficult to convince him that everything will be all right if the approach is not successful. This book advocates a two-phase approach. It is effective with a source who has displayed weaknesses or feelings of inferiority which can be effectively exploited by the interrogator. File and dossier, which seems to be called "false document" in the Guantanamo guidance. Army Field Manual 2 22.3, or FM 2-22.3, Human Intelligence Collector Operations, was issued by the Department of the Army on September 6, 2006. With the support of the National Security Archive, the musicians are seeking the release of still-secret US government records that document how loud music was used as a “futility technique” to soften up detainees at the base. The interrogator must take care to use a flattering somewhat-in-awe tone of voice and to speak highly of the source throughout the duration of this approach. The futility … The interrogator then confronts the source with the inconsistencies, causing further contradictions. Recommendation #4:. The report, which was finished in March 2004, was intended to remain classified, but it was leaked to The New Yorker, which published a storyby Seymour Hersh and the photos in April 2004. Factual or seemingly factual information must be presented by the interrogator in a persuasive, logical manner and in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. It is also effective on a source who appears to be the silent, confident type. Suite 400 Chicago, Illinois 60606 800-255-5747 312-583-0700 fax If the interrogator can show the source what the source himself can do to alter or improve his situation, the approach has a chance of success. In employing this technique the interrogator asks a series of questions in such a manner that the source does not have time to answer a question completely before the next question is asked. He may broadly infer that the first interrogator might return to continue his questioning. If the source's unit was low on, or had exhausted, all food supplies, he can be easily led to believe that all of his forces had run out of food. Especially when the prisoner belongs to a large, bureaucratic organization, even a minor error in an allegedly captured document can warn him it is a forgery. We have integrated all of our material from our standard 3-day program and our 1-day advanced program into a single presentation using one outline book to give participants a complete presentation of THE REID TECHNIQUE… The interrogator confronts the source with the dossiers at the beginning of the interrogation and explains to,him that intelligence has provided a complete record of every significant happening in the source's life; therefore, it would be useless to resist interrogation. After details emerged regarding the U.S. military’s use of torture during the Iraqi War, common methods of physical torture, including “waterboarding,” hooding, and physical abuse, came under immense national and global scrutiny. If a source feels that he has been treated unfairly in his unit, the interrogator can point out that if the source cooperates and divulges the location of that unit, the unit can be destroyed, thus affording the source an opportunity for revenge. The Reid Interrogation Technique In the United States (and many other countries), extensive guidance on how to interrogate suspects has largely come from a book (now in its fourth edition) written by John Reid and colleagues. The incentive approach can be broken down into the incentive short term (received immediately) and incentive long term (received within a period of time). Instead of promising unequivocably that a source will receive a certain thing, such as political asylum, an interrogator will offer to do what he can to help achieve the source's desired goal; as long as the source cooperates. The interrogator might describe the source's frightening recollections of seeing death on the battlefield as an everyday occurrence for his forces all up and down the lines. The silence approach may be successful when employed against either the nervous or the confident-type source. The file may be padded with extra paper, if necessary. It's entitled "Appendix M -- Restricted Interrogation Technique -- Separation". See page 9, for example: "Futility technique included the playing of Metallica, Britney Spears, and Rap music." Again, any documents actually shown to the prisoner must seem authentic, so it is most wise to falsify papers in the format of one's own side. Any source who shows any real or imagined inferiority or weakness about himself, his loyalty to his organization, or his capture in embarrassing circumstances can be easily broken with this approach technique. If the technique is successful, the source will be impressed with the voluminous file, conclude that everything is known, and resign himself to complete cooperation during the interrogation. In January 2004, prompted by the notorious abuse photos, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez asked Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba to conduct a secret investigation into allegations of detainee abuse and escapes at Abu Ghraib and lapses in accountability among the 800th Military Police (MP) Brigade. This places a burden on the source and may motivate him to seek relief through cooperation with the interrogator. Drafting of the manual reflected concerns about enhanced interrogation techniques and/or torture, such as water boarding, that followed after a 2003 memo by John Yoo determined that the wartime authority of the U.S. president overrode international agreements against torture. History of Sound Torture Sound torture is nothing new. The source may blurt out questions such as, "Come on now, what do you want with me?" FM 34-52 describes multiple techniques for accomplishing the desired effect. When using this approach, it is important that the interrogator meets the source at the source's perspective level and not expect the source to come up to the interrogator's perspective level. In the fear up (harsh) approach, the interrogator behaves in a heavy, overpowering manner with a loud and threatening voice. The main emotions of any source at the time of capture might be either love or fear. Includes interrogation technique that likely would not be acceptable under current US case law - In Canada, interrogation questions may continue even after suspect requests attorney. SEMINAR TOPICS INCLUDE Futility: Invoking the feeling of futility of a detainee. The interrogator may read a few selected bits of known data to further impress the source. Technique recommended but with caveat that it should be subject to the following limitations: that the technique is conducted at strategic interrogation facilities, that there is reason to believe the detainee possesses critical J. This technique is to convince the source that he does indeed have something to fear and that he has no option but to cooperate. When the interrogator is ready to break the silence, he may do so with some nonchalant question such as, "You planned this operation a long time, didn't you? The rapid fire approach involves a psychological ploy based upon the principles that everyone likes to be heard when he speaks, and it is confusing to be interrupted in midsentence with an unrelated question. Statistics tell us that in World War II, it was 85 percent to 95 percent effective. As an interrogation technique, separation is particularly sensitive due to the possibility that it could be perceived as an impermissible act. The Reid Technique interrogation phase includes nine steps, which are guilt-presumptive ... minimization, intimidation, and situational futility). For example, the first interrogator is very formal and displays an unsympathetic attitude toward the source. This may even offer the interrogator the option to go into a love-of-family approach in that the source must protect his family by preventing his forces from learning of his duplicity or collaboration. The success of this technique is largely dependent on the naivete of the source, the volume of data on the subject, and the skill of the interrogator in convincing the source. In fact, it may provide an opportunity for a source to regain his composure and delay the interrogation. The emotional approach overrides the source's rationale for resisting by using and manipulating his emotions against him. The futility approach is most effective when the interrogator can play on doubts that already exist in the source's mind. K. 0 For … The interrogator must be patient when employing this technique. One word of caution, the pride and ego down approach is also a dead end in that, if it is unsuccessful, it is very difficult for the interrogator to recover and move to another approach and reestablish a different type of rapport without losing all credibility. . Effective targets for a successful pride and ego up approach are usually the socially accepted reasons for flattery: appearance, good military bearing, and so forth. The interrogator should closely watch the source's demeanor for indications that the approach is getting through to him. Adele Sorella Abboud, E. (November 12, 2018).