The casein sub-micelle model was prominent for many years, but there is sufficient evidence now to conclude that there is not a defined sub-micellar structure to the micelle at all. The main types are alpha s-1 (αs1), alpha s-2 (αs2), beta (β), and kappa (κ). These constituent casein proteins lack well‐defined secondary and tertiary structure due to large amount of propyl residues. The caseins are nature-designed to be dispersed in an aqueous solvent, carry relatively large quantities of calcium and calcium phosphate and still maintain a low viscosity at ∼ 2.5% (w/w) concentration. The 6-casein is made of a carbohydrate portion attached to the protein chain and is located near the outside surface of the casein micelle (see Figure 2 below). As mentioned earlier, casein proteins exist in structures called micelles. Chemsrc provides Sodium caseinate(CAS#:9005-46-3) MSDS, density, melting point, boiling point, structure, formula, molecular weight etc. The casein component of milk is relatively heat-stable, capable of surviving pasturization at ~62-71 °C. The principal casein fractions are alpha(s1) and alpha(s2)-caseins, ß -casein, and kappa-casein.The distinguishing property of all caseins is their low solubility at pH 4.6. Casein micelles contain two types of casein proteins, calcium-sensitive (which includes the three subtypes αs1-, αs2-, and β- caseins) and calcium-insensitive (κ-casein only). These micelles are being extensively studied because of their importance in functional behavior of milk and various milk products. In general, caseins have limited α-helix and β-sheet secondary structure. They tend to … More recent models suggest a more open structure comprised of aggregates … Articles of Sodium caseinate are included as well. However, the exact structure and nature of these casein micelles are still under debate. In cheese manufacture, the 6 -casein is cleaved between certain amino acids, and this results in a protein fragment that does not contain the amino acid phenylalanine. The casein content of milk represents about 80% of milk proteins. Chemical Formula: Casein proteins are composed of the following amino acids: 20.2% Glutamic Acid 10.2% Proline 8.3% Leucine* 7.4% Lysine* 6.5% Valine* … Casein is the dominant protein group in bovine milk and is the major functional contributor to a family of dairy ingredients which are used ubiquitously in the food industry. Kappa casein is of most interest during the cheese making process. Casein Hydrolysate for microbiology; CAS Number: 91079-40-2; Synonym: Peptone from casein; find Millipore-22090 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical … Chemical formula: C 46 H 62 N 8 O 10 Molecular weight: 887.00 g/mol (Note: There is also a form of bovine β-casomorphin 8 that has histidine instead of proline in position 8, depending on whether it is derived from A1 or A2 beta-casein.) The three calcium-sensitive caseins are responsible for binding the calcium and phosphorus, whereas the κ-casein is responsible for stabilizing the structure [1]. These micelles are made up of different types of casein proteins. Conversely the whey protein component is denatured at these temperatures.