to wear (verb): To have clothing or accessories on your body. My favorite autobiography is “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.” It’s written by Malcolm X and Alex Haley. However, English does have many vowel sounds, many silent letters, and lots of words that come from many other different languages. Accessed 10 Jan. 2021. Every year around Christmas, many people gain a lot of weight because they eat lots of food but don’t exercise. to hear (verb): This is the action that you do with your ears. Personally, I like part 2 better). I wanted to buy pears for my fruit salad, but they only had winter pears. affect - change. Homophone (pronounced HAH-muh-fone) is Greek for “same sound.” It’s when two or more words have the same sound, but different meanings. Interesting note: This is another set of homophones that confuse native speakers, too. I think I need a pair of glasses. knight (noun): A man given a special honor (or rank) by a king or queen. If you think we're missing any homophones, let us know by emailing me at My grandpa told me to be sure to marry a good woman. Homophones and Spelling . Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. 50 Sets of Easily-Confused Homophones One great way to improve spelling skills is to learn the correct spellings and meanings of common sets of homophones. By the way, if you care about communicating well in English, you should check out Creativa. I’ll ask the waiter if we can have a container to take it home. Chinese homophones are also really interesting. no (determiner): This indicates a negation or something that’s not true. A word’s pronunciation in English may not always be the same as its spelling. ‘New’ and ‘Knew’; ‘no’ and ‘Know’; to, two, too: are some of the examples of homophones. homophone. If my students ask for ways to improve their vocabulary, I often suggest that they should always keep a small vocabulary notebook with them. Tony wanted to make a cake, but he didn’t have any flour, so he couldn’t. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same (to varying extent) as another word but differs in meaning. We’ve included as many different homophones as we could find, but also have some guidelines you can read that explain how these words made it on to our list, as well as the reasons why some were left off.. Learn more. This is basically a fancy way of saying “in a real sentence or … There’s an awesome site for language learners. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Homophones Sentences. FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks and turns them into English learning experiences. A cell can also be one of the smallest divisions of a living organism. This is basically the opposite of that. There is a fairy named Tinkerbell in the story “Peter Pan.”. It was snowing a lot, so the bus came late. weight (noun): This word indicates how heavy something is. Interesting note: This can be yet another homophone set of three words if you include “rite,” which is a ceremony or ritual. You can learn more or connect with him through his website Sitzman ABC. Be it a non-native or native, people get confused with these homophones because of the same pronunciation; so you see, you are not alone. I’ll be walking down the aisle on my wedding day. Discover homophones Homophones by Letter Some language scholars prefer to limit homonym to the third type. here (adverb): “Here” indicates the place where you are at any moment. ferry (noun): A ferry is a boat that moves passengers and vehicles across water. I hope that you learned some new words—I know I did! Discover homophones Homophones by Letter To help you learn these, we’ve put together some cool tips, plus a handy list of some of the most common homophones in English. FluentU takes real-world videos—like news, music videos, movie trailers and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language lessons. Understanding homophones is an essential part of mastering the English language, both for vocabulary building and spelling. The runner was so hungry, he ate eight sandwiches. Homophones are words that have the same sound but different meanings. A large percentage of spelling errors are actually homophone usage errors. You can also write down a definition, a synonym or an example sentence. FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks and turns them into English learning experiences. Words often confused . homophone meaning: 1. a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling, or…. there (adverb): Remember the word “here” above? Interesting note: This can actually be a three-word homophone if you include the word “aye.” That’s an old-fashioned way of saying “yes.” You might hear people on boats show that they’re following an order by saying “Aye-aye, captain!” And there’s a strange-looking animal called an “aye-aye,” also. There’s another word that begins with homo-, which native speakers often confuse with homophone: homonym. For example, when you tap on the word “brought,” you see this: And FluentU is not just for watching videos—it’s a complete English learning platform. Hence, Homonyms are words that sound alike and have different meanings. eye (noun): The part of your body that you use to see. e.g. Aunt is the sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle. male (adjective or noun): An adjective (or noun) indicating that something is masculine or has masculine reproductive organs. So the words “two” and “to” are homophones, as are “ate” and “eight.” There’s another word that begins with homo-, which native speakers often confuse with homophone: homonym. For example, rose (the flower), rose (past tense of … It’s used for long distances or places where there are no bridges. For example, “I’m so nervous about watching this game, I can’t bear to watch the last minute!” But today we’ll just focus on homophones. Such words are referred to as homophones. Plus, the other vocabulary is usually relevant to news events, so it’s a great general site if you want to build up your vocabulary. A fun, animated guide explaining that homophones are two or more words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different spellings. Charles will wake up at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. But most kids’ jokes are bad. (to) mail (verb or noun): As a noun, this is a collective noun for letters and packages. I should turn right when I get to 10th Street, right? Interesting note: This is another set of homophones that can also include a third: If you’re playing golf, you should yell “Fore!” right before you hit the ball. French is also similar in this way, because there can be multiple words with one pronunciation. I can’t hear the TV. Some words are often confused as they are similar-sounding words, but they are different in spelling and meaning. 20 Example of Homophones in English. As with so many things, the Internet can be a wonderful resource for learning English! A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Email also comes from this word. Example – My aunt won the gold medal in chess competition. Interesting note: Monks (men) and nuns (women) are two groups of religious people who live in monasteries or convents. Again, the root homo- means “same,” but –nym means “name.” A homonym is a single word (with one spelling) that has more than one meaning. It’s also used to indicate when a baby will probably be born. In fact, we just added these homophones about 6 years ago: moo, moue. There’s a popular saying in English: “Practice makes perfect.” That means that if you want to become an expert at something (like learning homophones or even English in general), you have to practice a lot. Fair, fare Homophones and homonyms 1. I forgot my money at home. Their rooms are also called “cells,” and they actually do look a bit similar to a prison cell! The bakery didn’t have any chocolate cakes for sale, though, so we got vanilla instead. Due to the prevalence of space-saving techniques in tweets, and the commonality of casual language, nearly all grammar rules were ignored and only three rules were kept as follows: spelling, What3words removed any hyphenated words, curse words, and, Plus, there is the idea that race horses are sometimes sold for meat and this, Post the Definition of homophone to Facebook, Share the Definition of homophone on Twitter, Words From 1921: 100 Years Old and Still Around. See, you learn something new every day! Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but have distinctly different meanings and different spellings. They’re uncomfortable, hot, and hard to tie. Tom likes to walk around his house in bare feet. Blind people can’t see. effect – result or consequence. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Thanks for subscribing! to meet (verb): When you are introduced to a person for the first time. What is a homonym? See the full definition for homophone in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Nglish: Translation of homophone for Spanish Speakers. Also, to make things more confusing, the word “our” is sometimes pronounced as a homophone to “are.”. A homophone may also differ in spelling. In those languages, words usually sound like they’re spelled. Radiohead has a song called “A Punchup at a Wedding (No no no no no no no no),” Beirut has one called “No No No” and Destiny’s Child has two songs called “No, No, No” (part 1 and part 2. It includes other topics in addition to homophones, but it often features homophone sets. If you think we’ve missed some words out of our homophones list, we’d love to hear from you! Homophones Homophones are words that have exactly the same sound (pronunciation) but different meanings and (usually) different spelling. Another is “Dear Deer” by Gene Barretta. What made you want to look up homophone? FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It’s commonly used to mean “next to” or “near” when describing a location. Happy learning! The Beatles, one of the most famous bands ever, had four members: George, John, Paul and Ringo. pair (noun): A set of two things that go together. The word “homonym” comes from the prefix “homo”, meaning “the same”, and the suffix “-nym,” means “the name”. I prefer to work at night, since it’s quieter and not as hot. Homonym can be troublesome because it may refer to three distinct classes of words. Homophones are the words that have exactly the same pronunciation but different meaning. They either sound the same or are spelt the same, but their meanings are different. I’m excited to travel to England so I can meet some new people! The point is that basically every language has homophones, so try not to get frustrated when you’re learning them. flour (noun): This is the main ingredient in bread. As a verb, this means to send something to somebody. to do (verb): This common verb is used to indicate an action. At least the trip only takes an hour. air – atmosphere (the stuff we breathe) err – to make a mistake. For example, the definite article el, which usually means "the," and the pronoun él, which usually means "he" or "him," are written alike except for the accent. Interesting note: In some languages, there is an element that has a name similar to “flour.” But in English, the element is called “fluoride,” and the “u” is silent. Where should we meet for dinner? An example of a homonym is the word “bear.” You probably know about the animal called a “bear,” but the word “bear” can also be a verb that means to tolerate. Phew! Still, even those languages have some homophones at least. one (noun): The number after zero and before two. dew (noun): Dew is the name for small drops of water that accumulate (gather) on plants and other objects outside during the night. If you want to give flowers to somebody you love, avoid white roses. My friend is pregnant. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition and useful examples. Creativa provides premium, highly produced videos for learning English and business communication skills. Homophones are words that sound the same as another word but have a different meaning, and often a different spelling. Ryan Sitzman teaches English and sometimes German in Costa Rica. Naturally, you can use this same notebook for homophones. When you go camping, you should be careful to not leave any food or anything with a scent in your tent because they can attract bears. to write (verb): The action of making words or marks to represent ideas. our (pronoun): This is the possessive pronoun form of “we.”, Interesting note: Depending on a speaker’s accent and the way they’re using the word, these two might not always sound like homophones. We wanted to buy a chocolate cake for Cheryl’s birthday. four (noun): The number after three and before five. I tell them he can’t be, since he’s a male. Send us feedback. If you’ve been learning English for even a short amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that, right? But I created this list so that even high-level English learners can find some new or interesting words. Are is a verb in present tense, a form of the verb "to be." You’ll learn English as it’s spoken in real life. If you want to talk about seeing a place for the first time, you could say something like “I want to see Paris,” “I want to go to Paris,” or “I want to visit Paris.” But we generally don’t use the words “meet” or “know” with places. Still, you can follow the stories and see some examples of fun wordplay using homophones. Interesting note: This pair of words made me think of some interesting songs. All of those pieces will help you remember the word. Do you wear ties? I ate an entire pizza and now I’m really full and tired. to sell (verb): To exchange a product or service for money. See you on Sunday! Using those words, FluentU recommends you examples and videos. The root of that word, homo-, means “same,” and the root phone- means “sound.” Homophones are two words that sound the same, but have different meanings. Homophones This is a list of British-English homophones. It can also be an auxiliary verb. He’s just fat. I’ll also include some links to videos and websites that can help with specific homophone sets in our list of homophones below. They are often given when someone dies. Their, there, they’re 3. won (verb): “Won” is the simple past and past participle form of the verb “to win.”, Interesting note: When you use a form of the verb “to win,” you can either indicate the event or the prize, but not the opponent. This warns other people to look out for your ball. Homophones—which means "same sounds" in Latin—are two or more words, such as knew and new or meat and meet, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and often spelling. too (adverb): “Too” can usually either mean “also,” or it can indicate that there is more of something than necessary (and it’s usually a problem). In fact, we just added these homophones about 6 years ago: moo, moue. The pear is a delicious fruit and I like it very much. I haven’t gotten the mail yet today, but I was expecting a letter from grandma. That’s it for today’s list! One that I recommend is called Is that Jane? Every time you hear a new word or phrase, write it down in your notebook. Interesting note: You guessed it: This can be another three-word set if you include the word “to cite,” which means “to reference.” For example, it’s commonly used in academic papers that have citations of other books. The heir to the throne went flying in a hot air balloon. So, let’s jump into detail and know about these 50 homophones with meanings and examples –. But it’s usually used in formal situations, and it’s not very common in modern English. A step up from 'there,' 'their,' and 'they're'. There’s even a famous Chinese story where every single word is some variation of the word “shi”! Here’s a sample video from Creativa’s Mastering Business Video Calls in English course, which has tips for expressing yourself effectively: Depending on how long you’ve been learning English, you may know a lot of these already. It’s What are Homonyms? night (noun): The period of time when it’s dark and most people sleep. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn English with real-world videos. hour (noun): A period of time that lasts 60 minutes. Finally, there are other sites that can help you learn homophones. It means to cut something to make it smaller. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with useful questions. In this post, you’re going to learn over 25 pairs of homophones that you’ll definitely want to know. I am short-sighted in my right eye, so I have to wear contact lenses. English pronunciation can be pretty weird. When homophones have the same spelling, they’re also called “homonyms.” Homonym(pronounced HAH-muh-nim) means “same name.” Homophones but not homonyms 1. Finally, they may be words that are spelled alike but are different in pronunciation and meaning, such as the bow of a ship and bow that shoots arrows. 1. We are staying at the hotel closest … 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? There are funny (and weird) videos like this homophone song video and this ballad between a man and a lion. Chile – Chili: Chile: a country in South America. When I went outside early in the morning, the dew on the grass made my shoes wet. There are some books that specifically focus on homophones in a fun way. aid – to help or assist. to wait (verb): This means to stay in one place or to anticipate something. to (preposition): This usually indicates a direction that something is moving. Then I’ll include an interesting note related to the words, like a similar word or a link to a video, comic or website. I’ve got to go now, so bye! “Homophone.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Creativa provides entertaining videos, useful but unexpected tips, and goes beyond just English to teach you body language, intonation and specific pronunciation tips. bare (adjective): If something is bare, it means that it’s not covered or not decorated. homophones synonyms, homophones pronunciation, homophones translation, English dictionary definition of homophones. FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Every day Paul and Judy drive together to school. My eyes hurt when I read. right (adjective): This can mean either a synonym of “correct” or the opposite of “left.”. Creativa is a new product from the FluentU team. can take anywhere. Delivered to your inbox! ad/add affect/effect ail/ale aisle/I'll ant/aunt ate/eight be/bee beach/beech beat/beet bald/bawled bare/bear base/bass billed/build blew/blue by/bye/buy cell/sell cent/scent/sent chili/chilly close/clothes days/daze dear/deer do/dew/due die/dye died/dyed sight (noun): This is the sense that you use when you see or look. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Again, the root homo- means “same,” but –nym means “name.” A homonym is a single word (with one spelling) that has more than one meaning. due (adjective): This is used to indicate the deadline (final day) that something can happen. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using daffodils. And I’ll ask for the bill, too. Homophones are two words that sound the same, but have different meanings. Define homophones. Interesting note: The soft drink company Mountain Dew played with this homophone set with its motto “Do the Dew.”. Interesting note: In British English, they usually use the word “post” as a verb or a noun, instead of “mail.”, to marry (verb): The action when two people have a wedding; also called “to get married.”. Can you please turn up the volume? Personally, I’d like to meet at the new Chinese restaurant in town. The children all passed their exams, so they’re very happy! ade – drink type, as in lemonade. Bear, bare 4. Some of the Spanish homophone pairs are spelled alike, except that one of the words uses an accent to distinguish it from the other. Can you set the boxes down over here please? Most of these examples of homophone sets are pairs of words, but some are groups of three or four words. their (pronoun): The possessive pronoun for the subject “they.”. site (noun): This is a synonym for “place.” The most common modern use is in the word “website.”. FluentU has a lot of fun videos—topics like popular talk shows, music videos and funny commercials, as you can see here: FluentU makes it really easy to understand the words in English videos. The 16 Best Online Games to Practice English. meat (noun): Edible flesh from an animal. Learn a new word every day. One popular English legend talks about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I really hope you know what this word means. Learn homonym definition with examples.Homonym definition: In English, homonym is Rose (flower), rose (past tense of “rise”) 2. There is no good reason to listen to Justin Bieber. 1. Other languages, like Spanish or German, for example, are more consistent with spelling and pronunciation. 270 Common Homophones List Also, an additional fun note: I live in Costa Rica, and here “Knight Rider” was called “El Auto Fantástico,” or “The Fantastic Car”! We should study for our English exam, and they should study for their German exam. Then, while they sleep, the Tooth Fairy will replace the tooth with a coin. HOMOPHONES. One more note, and then I promise we’ll get to the homophones. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Maybe you were surprised to discover that the number “two” was pronounced the same as the word “to.”, Or when you started learning the past tense, perhaps you thought it was strange that “ate” was pronounced the same as the number “eight.”. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning. She’s especially popular in the USA. Their title is usually “Sir.”. This lesson provides a list of common homophones in English for students who want to … To truly master English words, you need lots of useful examples. You can find these books at bookstores or online, but it may be hard to find digital copies, since they’re a bit old. Interesting note: Don’t forget that the word “sons” only indicates males, and “daughters” is just females. “There” can refer to any place where you are not at. Grandma and grandpa had four sons and three daughters. He is passionate about learning, coffee, traveling, languages, writing, photography, books, and movies, but not necessarily in that order. There are interactive subtitles. Interesting note: There is a common mythical fairy in some parts of the world called the Tooth Fairy. To, too, two 2. If you think we're missing any homophones, let us know by emailing me at Don’t worry if that sounded complicated, we’ll only focus on clear homophones today. Interesting note: There is a popular children’s joke that goes like this: Yes, it’s pronounced “because 7 8 9,” and yes, it’s a pretty bad joke. by (preposition): This can be used in many different ways. aide - assistant. Also, I discovered that there is a Swedish band (that sings in English) called NONONO. Always learn homophones in context. It can also indicate who created something. Homophones can be spelled the same or differently. We would like to sell our car, but we don’t think we’d get very much money for it. The two words may be spelled the same, as in rose (flower) and rose (past tense of rise), or differently, as in rain, reign, and rein. fairy (noun): A mythical creature that can often do magic. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Chili: red pepper. two (noun): The number after one and before three. If you want to indicate “sons and daughters” with only one word, you can say “children” (even if you’re talking about adults). Interesting note: In English, you can generally only meet people, but not places. Me to be sure to marry a good woman sell our car, some. ) but different meaning and/or spelling up from 'there, ' and 'they 're ' part of three-word... 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